Well, the four brackets that hold up the rod in my closet broke, again! Last summer it was the other side. After I replace these brackets, there will only be more section to replace. Dad, just for the record, looking at this picture I don't think it's because there's too many clothes on there. However, before I hang them all back up, I'm going to go through them.
Speaking of things breaking...we are doing an experiment at school tomorrow with hard boiled eggs. I have 5 teams, so I need 5 eggs. I had just the right amount, but 2 broke when I was boiling them. Tonight, I went to Tina's and borrowed 2 more and before I had even made it to the car, one of them broke, too! It just hasn't been my week!
I'm sorry!! I wish you would have called me and I would have given you another one. Hang in there Friday is coming!!!
Me thinks you need a chicken!!!! I am blogging!!
Thank God we made it through the week!
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