
Friday, February 13, 2009

Tornado Watch

When I got home Tuesday night after Parent-Teacher conferences, my mom met me at my house. She was there to pick up my Grana, who doesn't like to drive home in the rain. (Grana was leaving her car in my garage.) Mom said she was on her way to pick up Tina and the boys because of all the tornado watches and warnings. (Chris is out of town this week.) She asked if I wanted to go too and I thought, "Why not? I'll be making some memories!" So all 7 of us headed to Mom and Dad's for the night. Tina and the boys slept in the basement, Grana slept in the spare bedroom, and I slept on the couch in the living room. We had a great time! Thankfully there was no tornadoes in Ozark, only strong winds!

This is Garrett and Ethan getting ready for bed.

Grana was keeping up to date on everyone's blog.

Chase was working on homework. He took several breaks to tease and argue with me, but he finally finished an hour later!
And, as shocking as it sounds, Tina spent some time playing with Chloe.

Ah, such sweetie-pies!

1 comment:

Kelly Carter said...

I love how a tornado watch/warning becomes a family sleepover! How safe everyone must feel. :)