This is the view of my "office" from the hallway. This used to be my least favorite room of the house until my friend Leslie told me about the white scrapbooking, storage cubes. Now it's one of my favorites.
This is where I pay bills. One day very soon it will also be where I scrapbook, as finishing a book for my sister is on my summer list of things to do.
These storage cubes are my favorite part of this room. I LOVE them! They conveniently hide everything and give the look that things are organized.
I'm sure you've noticed that there's a whole other side to the room I didn't picture. That's because it's a bit of a mess. Piled against the opposite wall are clothes and shoes from the "Great Closet Clean-Out" that I need to donate. Now that's school is over, I've also added several stacks of things to work on this summer, too. (Yeah, right!) It's not a pretty sight!
I can't wait to see your office!
What a cute office!! I too love the white storage bins!!! Would love to have some of those!! You have done a great job!
hee he e- you should show us the mess!!
I just shoved all the mess into the closet! Now I'll never find anything in there! I really like those cubes too!
Lookin' good Mr. Kot-ter!
What a cute room! I love how organized you are - those storage units are awesome!
Thanks for the tour!
Love the shelf above your desk and where did you get that storage unit?
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