
Monday, June 22, 2009

See ya Wednesday!

Ok, Bible Study Babes, are you as excited about this study as I am? If you're not quite there yet, I think you will be when you read this post. We have 12 "for sures" signed up so far! Amazing, isn't it? Here's our list:

1. Tammy
2. Jen
3. Leslie
4. Kelly
5. Cara
6. Kay
7. Tina
8. Sherry
9. Vicki
10. Tonya
11. Laura
12. Mirella

If anybody else is interested, it's not too late! I believe God had good things in store for us!
I'll see you Wednesday at 6:30 at my house.


Jen said...

Quick question...are we supposed to have any of it done when we come? Or - will we talk about all that there?!?! Can't wait!!! Oh - and will it be every other Wed. at 6:30? at your house? Yea!

Kelly Carter said...

See ya'll there!