
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Movie - with one of my favorite guys!

Tonight Chase and I went to see the 10:25 showing of "Wolverine". There was a total of 8 people in the theater, which was actually kind of nice! We both really liked it and would recommend it. (Hugh Jackman and Taylor Kirtsch together in the same movie! What a treat!!) This is what I love about summer vacation; doing things on the spur of the moment. (Which is not usually me!)
When watching a movie, I don't like loud scary music, so I plug my ears often. When I did, I'd look over and Chase would be doing the same thing. We'd share a quick smile over it and continue watching the movie. Call me sentimental, but I know these moments of quality time are going to become fewer and farther between as Chase grows up. I soaked up every minute!

Chase and I share a love for the "night life". (As you can see from the time of this post.) This is a picture of him all set up with T.V. and food. All the essentials for a teenage boy on summer vacation, right?
Chase, you are such a special young man with many God-given talents. I couldn't love you more if you were my own! Keep making good choices and know that I'm always here for you! Thanks for a wonderful time!

1 comment:

Tonya said...

Wow, what a great time. We have some of the greatest nephews in the world don't we sis?!