
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Blast from the Past

I spent the day working...if you can call what I did today work. I was at the High School helping out with a Math conference. All I did was greet people, make sure people knew where they were going, and made sure all rooms were "put back together" at the end of the day. While the day may have been slow, I can tell you right now this was SO much easier than putting together a presentation and being nervous about giving it! Thanks, Cheryl, for the opportunity at some extra cash!!

This brings me to the point of this post. I saw my very best friend from elementary school today...Julie Sweeton! We were inseparable back in the day. We spent time at each other's house, attended church camp together, and played together at recess nearly every day. I wasn't sure if she'd remember me or not, but I took a chance and approached her anyway. Sure enough she did. I found out that she teaches 3rd grade in Willard and is beginning her 9th year of teaching. She has 3 kids!! We also spent some time catching up on each other families (moms, dads, brothers and sisters.) It was wonderful!! Who knew that we'd both choose the same career!

When I catch up with a friend from the past, it's so hard for me not to compare my life with theirs. After all, we are the same age and have had the same amount of time to accomplish things. Do you find yourself doing this? I can't help but feel that I'm way behind in life. (Lord knows this isn't what I had planned for myself.) Then, I begin to panic. I lose faith. I worry. I even become disgruntled. Before I know it, this rare opportunity of catching up with an old friend becomes something that causes me pain. Can anyone relate?

I'm reminded of what a good friend of mine shared with me. She said that we are each running our own race. I'm not supposed to look over at my sister while she's running hers. I need to focus on the path that's been carved out for me. It may be taking a few more twists and turns than I'd like, but God does have a plan. A plan for my future. Me. A tiny speck in this enormous universe, but God care about me enough to make plans for my life. Amazing how much we're loved and taken care of, huh? This is a promise God made to each of us. No worrying is necessary.

So, I'm guarding my thought closet. Worry isn't going to crowd in today. I'm reminded that my situation does not define who I am!


Leslie said...

Great thoughts for your thought closet. Your friend is right... you are winning at your race. God has a plan, as frustrating as it may seem sometimes. Thanks, I needed to be reminded of that.

Mrs. Misty said...

I know exactly what you mean. Isn't it amazing what we have planned for ourselves and when we don't achieve those goals, we feel like least that is how I have felt!! It takes a while to stop and remember that there is a plan for our life and we are not in control. Something so much larger than us is in total control!!! Keep running YOUR race!!!

Alysia said...

Tammy, as surprised as some people may be...I can completely relate. Though you and I have not followed the same path, I more often than not find myself in a place unlike my friends and other people my age. How can I possibly fit into the "norms" of people in their late 20's and early 30's? There are no diapers and play dates in my day to day routine and I have yet to find another in a similar place as me. Yet, I am more blessed with friends and family than I really could have ever dreamed! Since I was a teenager, not a day has gone by that I wasn't aware of how well God has taken care of me. It hasn't been easy. He and I have done a lot of work together and He keeps reminding me daily to always look forward and meet Him in the middle...especially when I have different plans. You are a beautiful,amazing person. I have always admired your heart, intelligence, beauty, and family. For my own thoughts on my life, I take a quote from you..."I'm reminded that my situation does not define who I am."