
Saturday, April 4, 2009

The healing process

I’ve had a rough week. I really thought I’d be past the trying times. I thought I’d worked through all the hurt. But, as you’ve read before (and will probably read again), there will still be times when I remember and times I will still hurt over choosing to leave behind the one I loved. This post is for friend of mine who is going through a similar situation. Friend, there is no secret recipe or magic words for “getting over” someone. It’s different for everyone. Here are things I did while God lead me toward healing.
  1. Pray - so that you know what God is calling you to do

  2. Make a choice - choose to take you life back, break the stronghold he has over you

  3. Make a commitment - to not take his phone calls, read his emails, or listen to his messages (I had to have friends do this for me. I knew that hearing "his" voice would break me down.)

  4. Choose a scripture to stand on - choose one of God's many promises to cling to

  5. Lean on friends and family - God has blessed you with them and He wants to love you through them.

  6. Accountability partner - find someone and tell them that you promise to call them before you him so that they can remind you why this is bad idea

  7. Control your thoughts - do not think about "what ifs" or "if onlys", actually anytime you begin to replay memories of days gone by, just say no!

Friend, the process is long, hard, and sometimes lonely. But, when you get to the other side, your heart will be mended, and ever better…you’ll know God more. We can only truly know He’s there for us by leaning on Him. We cannot know his comfort, rest, and peace if we don’t surrender to him. My words of advice for you would be to pray, pray, pray. That’s how you’re going to know where God’s leading you. For me, healing could only come when the bondage was broken. The only way for this to happen was to break all contact with him. My opinion is that if your guy was going to be different, you would have already seen a change in him. It’s time for you to decide that you’re going to fight for yourself. To do this, you have to let him go. Friend, if you need someone to hold you accountable, just call. I’m ready and willing to help.

Thank you, Jesus, for not giving up on me. Thank you for blessing me with such wonderful family and friends. When I look back at where you've brought me from, I have no doubt you carried me all the way!


Leslie said...

Such great words of wisdom from someone who has come such a long way. I know He is so proud of your progress (as I am), and He is using your journey for good.

You are such a remarkable friend and I am always praying for you. Love, Les

Tonya said...

You are such an inspiration to me in so many ways. You are such a strong person to have come through all this. Your willingness to be transparent with your sufferings will so many. We all need to be more like that! I love you girl, thanks so much for your example!