Remember that very long summer "to do" list I posted about a month ago? Well, I've actually accomplished some of those chores and thought I share the results with some before and after pictures.
#3. Clean out and organize garage

#5. Reorganize closet in the Laundry Room (Oops! No before pic for this one.)

#6. Clean out and reorganize cabinet in my bathroom (I can't believe I'm actually showing you the before picture of this one!!)

#7. Wash and wax car, clean interior

#20. Reseal and stain deck

Here are the other things I accomplished, but don't have pictures of:
#9. Teach Chloe to "come"!! - Although she does not come 100% of the times she's called, she is much better at this. She now gets let out in the backyard without her leash and will come back in the first time she's called (or bribed!).
#10. Transfer old family videos to DVD - This is a work-in-progress. At least it's started though, right? When I'm all done, I'm going to have my family over to watch some of them. They're great!!
#14. Read, read, read!!! - Didn't get as much of this done as I would have liked...unless blogs count! I did finish a couple of books though.
#15. Organize pictures on laptop - I organized my itunes with some new playlists, too!
#17. Do a better job of updating school blog - I updated about once a week. I'm pleased with that!
#18. Clean out magazine holder - I'm proud to say it no longer tips over!
#19. Reorganize pantry - Looks great!
#21. Spend quality time with friends and family - Yes, yes, yes! This is what made my summer so wonderful!
You are good... that has to feel nice to get all of that accomplished.
Wow - I am like super impressed. Now I am trying to think of something I got accomplished in the last few months.....
you are amazing! wanna help me get motivated to do something...anything? I'm having a weird summer...not getting much done.
Wow! You're deck looks fantastic! Good as new!
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