
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ready or Not

Ready or not, today was the first day of school! I was probably more ready than I ever have been before, and I should have been considering all the help I had. Today went as good as a first day could have gone. The first several weeks of school are definitely not my favorite as I spend the majority of the time teaching procedures and rituals. I always forget how well trained last year's class really was. I have a group of sweet, energetic kids who are excited about being at school. Who could complain about that?
Every year I take pictures of my room at the beginning of the year, so I thought I'd post them so you could have a tour of my classroom.

This bulletin board will be used to "spotlight" student work.Jen was so sweet and made me a tea-towel with my name embroidered on it. I thought it was just too cute to dry my hands with, so I framed it. I LOVE it!
This bookshelf behind my desk holds frequently used teacher books and curriculum cards. The cart beside it holds all kinds of stuff like Expo markers, sharpies, pencils, pens, markers, paper, stamps, stickers, etc...
This is the math bulletin board - nothing special. We'll add to it as we go.
This is the Reading corner. It took forever the first year I sorted all the books, but it was well worth the time! Now, it stays this organized all year! I've also included a picture of Mom as she helped me put all the books out this year. This is a view of the back of the room. I use the wall as a Social Studies and Science bulletin board. Again, we add to it as we go. The table is where I'll conference with students on their writing and what they're reading.
This shows the bookshelves, writing wall, and back corner. Hidden back there is the students' mailboxes. I love that they're hidden!
Here are our class jobs. Finally, here's a picture of the hall display, or the beginning of it anyway. I saw the idea in a magazine and fell in love with it. It says, "We All Fit In!". Each student made a puzzle piece today and added to mine. Below it we put a quote by Helen Keller. Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. Thanks, Kelly, for finding the quote. It fits perfectly!!

That's it. Here's to hoping that tomorrow is even better than today!


Christa said...

Your classroom looks GREAT!

Jen said...

I love it!!!! Congrats on a successful first day... you have this, girl!