
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving Traditions

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday!  It's all about spending the day with loved ones.  The focus is not on gifts, but on just being together.  I love it!

If you know me at all, you know I'm all about traditions.  We spend all of Thanksgiving Day at Mom and Dad's.  For me, the Thanksgiving tradition begins on Wednesday night.  I head over to Mom and Dad's to make pumpkin pies and help Mom with whatever else needs to be done.  I break out "White Christmas" (my all time favorite Christmas movie) and sing along while working.

Then, Thursday morning people begin rolling in around 10:00, my Grandma and Papa are usually always first!  This year, 24 of us celebrated the holiday together.  What a blessing it is to have family close!

(Papa is not a dog lover, but Chloe is determined to win his affection.  I couldn't keep her off his lap!)

After lunch we go through the adds and map out our "strategy" for Black Friday shopping while the guys go out to shoot skeet.  Then, around late afternoon we break out the games.  My family loves to play games.  (Well, with the exception of Tina and Dad.)  But, Tina did grace us with her presence this year!  (Ha!)

For dinner we have the leftovers and by 10:00 everyone has usually gone home.  Tina and Tonya come back to stay the night at Mom and Dad's for early morning shopping the next day.

After an exhausting day of shopping, we usually spend the rest of the weekend decorating for Christmas.  It's a busy weekend, but one I always look forward to.  I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, too!


Jen said...

Love this! I have never seen White Christmas...I am guessing I should rent it?!?! Love the blog - too cute!!!

Leslie said...

Blog looks GREAT!!! White Christmas is the best!!

KK said...

Looks like a great Thanksgiving! I love White Christmas!