
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cookie Exchange

Tomorrow we're having a cookie exchange at school.  I reluctantly signed up to participate, but have dreaded making 50 cookies ever since.  Being the procrastinator that I am, I put it off until 3:00 today.  I chose to make homemade oreos because they're my favorite.  (They're also about the only cookie I can make.) 

So, I spooned out 136 cookies...

and ended up with 68 oreos.  Good thing they're worth the work!


Leslie said...

I just remembered you gave me some of those and I'm going to eat them right now!!!!!!

Leslie said...

Carson took one bite and said, "These are very good!"

Suzie said...

Ohhh, I remember those home made oreos. They are soooo delicious!!