This pot has been waiting for a plant (a hardy plant that I can't easily kill) for about 2 months now.

This picture frame has been waiting for a picture for about a month.
I gathered all necessary supplies to finish a birthday project a couple of weeks ago. At least it won't be "unfinished" much longer. I have to give it to a special someone on Friday!!
Do you have unfinished things like this around your house?
Looking around - I realized that my husband is needing some work!!!!
If I did a post on all the unfinished things I had.... I'd have a LONG blog post!!
I don't even want to finish mine anymore! I just want all the money I spent on the supplies!
That is too funny, Tara!
Tammy, have you seen the picture frames in my bedroom? Empty since JULY of last year!!! After reading your post today I put one picture in the big 4 picture frame. Progress!!! ;)
Oh and the birthday surprise looks FUN! Follow up post on that one, okay?
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