A few weeks ago Tonya and Matt helped Mom and Dad put up their new TV. I went over just to hang out and add moral support. It was such a joy to watch Abby play with all those cardboard boxes and turn them into a house or a fence. She has such an imagination! Jacob is the ever-quite one. I love to watch him study things. At the end of the night, he shared his deer hunting video with us. It was so sweet to hear him ask his daddy to pray and thank God for what they were able to do!
Just last week I spent Wednesday joining Tina and her boys for dinner at Mom and Dad's. Mom fixed the boys' favorite: chicken & dumplings and, for dessert, homemade doughnuts. I remember driving home that night praying I'd always remember these sweet memories. The way Ethan beamed as he showed me how he'd set the table and assigned each of us a seat. The way we all had to share high/lows. They way Ethan held his tea glass and talked with hands. They way Garrett wants me to help him study for a test. The way Chase likes to give me a hard time. The way Garrett looks up to Chase and longs to hear just a few words of praise from him. The way Chase refers to Dad as the "bear" who hangs out in his den. (aka the basement) The way all three of them love to watch "Wild Hogs" with Pop and how all of them laugh and laugh.
Chase, Garrett, Jacob, Ethan, and Abby help fill such a void in my life right now. I adore them and love spending time with them. I'm so thankful I get to share so much of their lives!! There's not a luckier aunt around!!